TranXition Program

eXtreme rehab model: a dynamic team that provides the right service at the right time and provides rehab where it really matters: in the community

  • eXperience - Planning, preparing and doing activities as a team, leading up to a final adventure planned by youth!
  • eXposure - Discover new places and new interests – Real life is out there!  
  • eXchange - Diverse, immersive activities with new friends. Also groups for parents as they live through a transition as well.
  • aXis of Change - Become your own advocate and participate in activities focused on adult life to help you reach your goals.

Contact us!

Call or text the TranXition cell phone:  514-236-8069

Contact our occupational therapist:

Julien Auer-Deschamps
514-488-5552 poste 52137

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