About the Boutique
The Technical Aids Boutique sells visual aids and assistive devices, as well as some hearing aids, to clients of the Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre and the general public.
Clients with visual or hearing loss can find at the Boutique over 300 items available for purchase including:
- Magnifiers
- Adapted daily living aids
- Braille watches, talking watches and clocks
- Adapted games
- Specialized sunglasses
- Amplified telephone
- Lamps (halogen and fluorescent)
- Hearing aid batteries
- Communication aids (e.g. large print telephones, writing aids, etc.)
- large printed calendars
We also offer assistance in choosing items for sale as well as advice on how to use them properly.
For more information
Phone : 514-488-5552, ext. 3052
Email : boutique.mab.ccomtl@ssss.gouv.qc.ca
MAB site
7000 Sherbrooke Street West
Montréal (Quebec) H4B 1R3
Business Hours
Monday to Friday
9:30 am to 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm
The services of the Technical Aids Boutique are made possible with the support and a donation from the Habilitas Foundation.
If you are interested in supporting this important service, please give generously.