Saliva Management Clinic

The Saliva Management Clinic is a joint project of the MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre and the Montreal Children’s Hospital of the MUHC.


Children and adolescents between 0 and 17 years of age (18 to 21 years of age if still attending high school), with a significant and persistent saliva management problem. Users do not need to have a physical disability; however, only clients who meet the admission criteria of the MAB-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre will have access to other services.

Services offered

The Saliva Management Clinic is designed to assess children and adolescents who have difficulty with drooling and aspiration of saliva. It is held once a month and involves multidisciplinary assessments that help to identify factors potentially contributing to the saliva management problem.

A multidisciplinary team of professionals work in collaboration to respond to the needs identified by the client/parents from the following disciplines:

  • Ear, Nose and Throat
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Pediatric Dentistry
  • Social Work

Services offered

At the Mackay site (3500 Decarie), the clinical findings and recommendations for management of the drooling problem are discussed with the family immediately following the clinic. One or more of the following may be recommended:

  • Rehabilitation sessions/exercises
  • Behaviour modification to increase the awareness of drooling
  • Recommendations as to the positioning of the head
  • Dental/orthodontic procedures or orthesis
  • Medication or surgery

To access services

A referral from an attending physician is required for external referrals. The referral may come from the treating therapist for those followed in a rehabilitation program at the MMRC.

Referral procedure for the Saliva Management Clinic

A referral to the Saliva Management Clinic requires:

  1. A medical referral
  2. The following documents (request for service form and questionnaires) to be downloaded and completed or obtained from the administrative agent at 514-488-5552, ext. 2102 or at
    1.  Request for service
    2.  Parent questionnaire
    3.  Preparation questionnaire (To be completed by the attending therapist)
    4.  Consent Form
  3. The most recent reports available:
    1. Medical: ENT, Dentistry, Neurology, Chest x-ray, Physiatry, Gastroenterology, Neonatology
    2. Rehabilitation: Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Pathology, Dysphagia, Physiatry

The referral package must be mailed to the following address:

Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre 
c/o Administrative Agent, Saliva Management Clinic 
Mackay Site 
3500 Décarie Blvd 
Montreal (Quebec) H4A 3J5 
Tel. : 514-488-5552, ext. 2102 
Fax: 514-482-4536

To make a request for services

Service de l'accueil, évaluation, orientation (AEO)

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