News from the CIUSSS

Ensuring a smoother transition of care in Neurosciences: Richardson Hospital stroke outpatient clinic moves to the Constance-Lethbridge site

The multi-disciplinary stroke ambulatory team (SARCA in French) that previously provided outpatient care to clients at Richardson Hospital moved recently to a newly renovated space at the Constance-Lethbridge site of the Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre. This move is part of the larger Neurosciences Integrated Practice Unit (IPU) of the CIUSSS, bringing together previously distinct teams to ensure a smoother transition for clients from inpatient care to outpatient services focused on maximizing autonomy, and improving links with community partners and home-care services. 

The SARCA team members work alongside in the new space with the social-reintegration team (RAIS in French), and the physiotherapists from the Neurology Program at Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay.

To learn more on our Neurosciences IPU, read our series of articles at

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